History of April Fools Day

Did you know that April Fools Day dates back to ancient Rome? Known as the Hiliaria Festival, Romans honored the goddess Cybele on the vernal equinox with shouts of joy and feasting. Strict rules stipulated that revelers could show no signs of sadness. Fast forward to the medieval Feast of Fools, which took place annually until about the 16th century. Due to coarse humor and some abuses, officials tended to frown on the revelries. Yet the tradition was here to stay. From then on, celebrants marked the first day of April with practical jokes and by playing tricks on unsuspecting friends and family members.

To this day, American children look forward to the day when they can play pranks without too much worry about consequences. The Roar, a Florida high school newspaper, suggests that youngsters glue coins to the sidewalk and hide nearby to watch people as they attempt to pick them up. Another suggested practical joke involves a plastic spider that the prankster can hide in the shower before an intended victim enters it. The youth is then encouraged to “listen for the scream.”

Adults and children get in on the action in Germany. All day long, you can hear “April, April,” which is the shout of the prankster to the victim who has been fooled. Even reputable publications get in on the action. The Local recounts the authentic-sounding announcement by the Tagesspiegel, a Berlin paper, which claimed that metro station naming rights were being auctioned off… With potentially awkward consequences. Before the requests for more information became a nuisance to the paper, it admitted to the joke.

French April Fools combine their love for practical jokes with a play on words. In France, April Fools are referred to as ‘April Fish’ because, as the France Travel Guide explains, there was once a tradition of sticking paper fish – the fish is the symbol of the Spring zodiac sign Pisces – to the backs of the rural French who continued to celebrate New Year just before April 1. (The royal order of King Charles XIV, which reformed the calendar and effectively moved New Year’s Day, took a little while to make its way across the nation.) The tradition of the paper fish has survived the centuries. It is not uncommon for children to surreptitiously attach these outward signs of being had to the backs of classmates, adults, teachers and pretty much anyone around.

Why not go ahead and combine all the traditions this year? Glue a coin to the sidewalk, sneak up on the unsuspecting person trying to pick it up, attach a paper fish to her or his back and then loudly yell “April, April!”

Best April Fool Travel Pranks

There’s one day every year that’s designated for pranks, and that day is April Fool’s Day. Jokes played out on April Fool’s Day don’t just occur at home. As big companies are getting more personable, they’re also upping their game with April Fool’s jokes. These jokes go from funny tweets and photoshopped photos to full-blown videos convincing customers of new features. We’ve rounded up a list of our all-time favorite April Fool prank videos for you below.

Virgin Australia

Flying, especially when you’re in a budget airline or economy seat, can be space-restrictive. Why settle for a leg stretch when you could hop on a bike and really get that blood pumping? Last year, Virgin Australia introduced a new onboard spin class. The sky-high exercise experience wasn’t the only thing they offer in the video. They even have special Virgin Australia work-out outfits and fortifying post-exercise meals as well.


This wasn’t Virgin Australia’s first April Fool’s travel joke. A few years ago, they rolled out a new favorite feature for furry travelers. The Premium Paw Door Entry airport lounge for pets boasted of special “park-inspired” play areas and “gourmet dining experience” designed especially for pets. At Virgin Australia, they’re not looking to just settle with a great travel experience for you. They want to elevate your pet’s travel experience as well.


Sometimes we book Airbnb experiences to have a little taste of home while we travel. Other times, we want to be immersed in the new city or country we’re traveling to, so we book rooms and spaces that are a little different than what’s typical. That’s why Airbnb decided to roll out a new sister program, Lairbnb. Book a Lairbnb for the time of your life in someone else’s world. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two about a lifestyle you didn’t know about before. Book your Lairbnb here. Or alternatively, if you’re looking to book an actual Airbnb, book that here.



If your dream vacation involves you, four wheels and a long stretch of road ahead, Lexus has developed the perfect technology for you. No need to feel locked in behind someone driving slow in the carpool lane. The Lexus Lane Valet will ensure the road ahead is clear and every person is in the right lane. Needless to say, this is a product we can get behind. Traveling by car has never been easier!



Do you like hummus? Do you ever get disappointed with the hummus you eat because it’s just not quite what you prefer? Now, you don’t have to go to Israel to taste the perfect hummus for you. Leave it to Google to create a ridiculously good fake product, one we’re still hoping might become a reality. Everyone can appreciate a good hummus, but hummus is only the first step. Soon, there will be an API for all your favorite dishes. No more mediocre hummus, and no more mediocre meals. You + Google = the best dinner date ever.


Google didn’t stop with the Google Cloud Hummus API. With the technology of self-driving cars developing so rapidly, it’s no wonder that Google Netherlands developed a special product tailored to the country: the self-driving bicycle. It makes sense, as the Dutch ride their bikes more than any other country. With the special pick-up feature, your bike will come to you! No need to pull out your Google Maps anymore. The self-driving bicycle help utilize efficiency, giving a hands-free experience to squeeze in an extra bit of multitasking during a morning commute. Is it more dangerous than riding your own bike in the Netherlands? We’re still waiting to hear back about that…