Hyatt Centric Chicago O’Hare International Airport ORD

Hyatt Centric Chicago O’Hare International Airport ORD - SOLD OUT
- Open 24/7
- Free Shuttle Show more
- Parking Type: {{ options.join(', ') }}
Operation Hours
The parking lot and your vehicle is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Available 24 hours every day |
Arrival Info
Parking garage is located next to the hotel. Parking must be on the second floor or higher. It is an indoor parking garage except for the top floor.
Please check in with the front desk before parking. Customers will have to print out their confirmation emails and fill out paperwork with their car information, please have your license plate number. Please allow 10-15 mins for this process. Once the paperwork is completed, you will be given a rear-view mirror hang size to place in your car. They will also instruct you where to park.
The garage cannot accept oversize vehicles. Height is restricted to 6'9".
Airport Transportation
• Shuttle will depart hotel top and bottom of each hour (:00 & :30 minute mark).
• Pick up inside the airport is at Bus & Shuttle Center, Door 1 every 30 mins (:15 & :45 minute mark).
• If you are at terminal 5, please call 847-518-1234 for pick up, they do not come automatically to terminal 5.
Shuttle Hours
The shuttle service is available 24/7
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Available 24 hours every day |
Reviews of this Lot
Lot Review Summary | |
Shuttle Speed | |
Attendant Services | |
Lot Condition | |
Ease To Find |
{{ review.customer.name }} verified user {{ review.submited.date_format_2 }}
{{ review.comments }}
Starting from {{ parkinglot.rate_str }} per day
Select Parking Times & Parking Type
1 Parking Times
Select your parking check-in and check-out times Check-in: {{ search.checkindate.date_format_4 }} {{ search.checkintime.standard_time }} Check-out: {{ search.checkoutdate.date_format_4 }} {{ search.checkouttime.standard_time }}Shuttle Hours: {{ errorCheckInTime }} | {{ errorCheckOutTime }}
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