Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina Bay Tower - San Diego International Airport SAN

Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina Bay Tower - San Diego International Airport SAN - SOLD OUT
- Open 24/7
- Free Shuttle Show more
- Parking Type: {{ options.join(', ') }}
Operation Hours
The parking lot and your vehicle is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Available 24 hours every day |
Arrival Info
Please enter the hotel at 1590 Harbor Island Drive. Proceed to park in the lot on the left side (the entrance to the lot has a white self-parking rate sign in front of it and is the further of the 2 lots). Please press the button on the display to receive your parking ticket. You can park your vehicle anywhere you would like within that lot. Keep your parking ticket and a copy of your reservation with you to present to the valet attendant (only until 10:30pm, for checking in after that time please go to the hotel's front desk) upon your return. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before you want to take the shuttle to the airport
Airport Transportation
Shuttle service runs every 20-25 minutes from 5:00am - Midnight
Shuttle Hours
The shuttle service is open:
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
05:00 - 00:00 | 05:00 - 00:00 | 05:00 - 00:00 | 05:00 - 00:00 | 05:00 - 00:00 | 05:00 - 00:00 | 05:00 - 00:00 |
Reviews of this Lot
Lot Review Summary | |
Shuttle Speed | |
Attendant Services | |
Lot Condition | |
Ease To Find |
{{ review.customer.name }} verified user {{ review.submited.date_format_2 }}
{{ review.comments }}
Starting from {{ parkinglot.rate_str }} per day
Select Parking Times & Parking Type
1 Parking Times
Select your parking check-in and check-out times Check-in: {{ search.checkindate.date_format_4 }} {{ search.checkintime.standard_time }} Check-out: {{ search.checkoutdate.date_format_4 }} {{ search.checkouttime.standard_time }}Shuttle Hours: {{ errorCheckInTime }} | {{ errorCheckOutTime }}
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